今は勉強の季節 。

要幸福哦!....................................... 《老瓊》

To be blissful!

時間寶貴,多花點時間在有意義的事情上面!!........ 《老江如是說》

Time is precious. Spend more time on significant things.


 若為自由故,兩者皆可拋」........................ 《老生常談》

Life is truely valuable. Love costs more.

For liberty, both of them can be forsook.

「吼,吵死了,拖出去砍了.....:X」................. 《煩人的傢伙》

Damn it. Be quiet, or you can go dieing!

去,前往你想要的目標,往那兒飛,去................ 《幸福人生》

Go ahead. Searching for whatever you want. Fly to there.

Go ahead.


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